IS33 - Progress in Computational Multiphysics Using Open-source Software

Organized by: H. Marschall (TU Darmstadt, Germany), V. Moreau (CORIA, France), G. Houzeaux (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain), D. Mira (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain), Y. Fournier (Électricité de France (EDF), France) and H. Jasak (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
With this invited session we aim to foster an in-depth exchange of particularly Europe's communities developing mature open-source solutions for computational multiphysics, such as e.g. Alya, code_saturne, OpenFOAM, Yales2, ...
Contributions shall focus on new coupling techniques, aspects of high-performance computing and software design. Particular emphasis should be put on details regarding numerics, code and data structure as well as performance. Details on implementation and illustration along the opensource codes as well as examples of usage in the context of solving coupled problems in the field of computational multiphysics is encouraged