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04/06/2023 18:00
Sun, 04/06/2023
18:00 - 20:00
Minoa Palace Resort Hotel
04/06/2023 20:00
Welcome Reception
Sun, 04/06/2023
20:00 - 21:00
Minoa Palace Resort Hotel
05/06/2023 08:00
Mon, 05/06/2023
08:00 - 09:00
Minoa Palace Resort Hotel
05/06/2023 09:00
Opening ceremony
Mon, 05/06/2023
09:00 - 09:10
Imperial - Main
05/06/2023 09:10
Plenary Lecture I - P. Wriggers and S. Reese
Chaired by:
Prof. Sergio Idelsohn
Mon, 05/06/2023
09:10 - 10:40
Imperial - Main
Multi-physical Modeling of Soft Tissue-Stent Interaction
S. Reese
A coupled model for the formation of Atherosclerosis due to inflammation processes
P. Wriggers
M. Gierig
A. Haverich
05/06/2023 10:40
Coffee Break
Mon, 05/06/2023
10:40 - 11:10
Minoa Palace Resort Hotel
05/06/2023 11:10
IS06 - I -
Computational Models and Methods for Multiphysics Processes in Multiphase Porous Media - in Honour of the 80th Birthday of Professor Schrefler
Corresponding Organizer:
Lorenzo Sanavia
(University of Padova)
Chaired by:
Prof. Lorenzo Sanavia
(University of Padova)
Mon, 05/06/2023
11:10 - 13:10
Imperial - Main
IS06 - I -
Numerical modeling of concrete structures durability by means of Multiphase Porous Media Mechanics
F. Pesavento
D. Gawin
A Hydration-Based Multiphysics Model for Cementitious Materials: Application to 3D Printing Process Simulation
M. Pierre
S. Ghabezloo
P. Dangla
M. Vandamme
R. Mesnil
J. Caron
Gradient-enhanced micropolar damage-plasticity modeling of localized failure: Framework and computational aspects
P. Gamnitzer
M. Neuner
N. Alkmim
G. Hofstetter
Coupled models for the simulation of water hazards and their interaction with structures and protection systems
A. Larese
L. Moreno
V. Singer
K. Sautter
R. Wuechner
Modelling thawing-triggered landslides using a multi-physics SPH framework
Y. Lian
H. Bui
05/06/2023 11:10
IS21 - I -
Recent trends in model order reduction for coupled problems
Corresponding Organizer:
Giovanni Stabile
(Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies)
Chaired by:
Dr. Giovanni Stabile
(Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies)
Mon, 05/06/2023
11:10 - 13:10
Athina - Athina I
IS21 - I -
Physics-informed neural network and reduced order modeling in the context of variational multiscale method
S. Dave
A. Korobenko
Model Order Reduction for FSI problems: POD-based partitioned and monolithic approaches
M. Nonino
F. Ballarin
G. Rozza
POD-based reduction of varying boundary control on optimal control problems
M. Strazzullo
F. Vicini
Implicit Schur complement iterative modal solvers for multiphysics model order reduction
G. Buron
F. Thouverez
L. Jézéquel
A. Beley
F. Thévenon
05/06/2023 11:10
IS33 - I -
Progress in Computational Multiphysics Using Open-source Software
Corresponding Organizer:
Holger Marschall
(TU Darmstadt)
Chaired by:
Prof. Holger Marschall
(TU Darmstadt)
Mon, 05/06/2023
11:10 - 13:10
Imperial - Hall I
IS33 - I -
An overview of coupling methods in the code_saturne CFD solver
Y. Fournier
A Unified Multiphysics Framework for Multi-Region Coupling
H. Alkafri
C. Habes
M. Fadeli
H. Jasak
H. Marschall
The Community-Driven preCICE Ecosystem
B. Uekermann
Introducing a cloud-based framework for creating, visualising, testing and automating complex simulation workflows
O. Stodieck
05/06/2023 11:10
IS01 - I -
Advanced computational approaches for solving coupled problems in geomechanics
Corresponding Organizer:
Ha H. Bui
(Monash University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Ha H. Bui
(Monash University)
Mon, 05/06/2023
11:10 - 13:10
Imperial - Hall II
IS01 - I -
Resolved/unresolved coupled CFD-DEM for simulation of particle-fluid-structure interaction problems
J. Zhao
T. Yu
Z. Lai
S. Zhao
A hybrid MPM-CFD model for simulating multiphase flow in deformable porous media
Q. Tran
Fast semi-analytic sequential explicit coupling analysis of 3D planar hydraulic fracturing
D. Roehl
C. Mejia
J. Rueda
A nodal integration-based particle finite element method for poro-elastoplastic modelling of saturated soils using mathematical programming
L. Wang
X. Zhang
X. Geng
Q. Lei
Fractures as Interface Conditions for Biot’s equations in the Frequency-space Domain
M. Favino
05/06/2023 11:10
IS23 - I -
Computational modeling for hydrogen technologies
Corresponding Organizer:
Tim Hageman
(Imperial College London)
Chaired by:
Dr. Tim Hageman
(Imperial College London)
Mon, 05/06/2023
11:10 - 13:10
Imperial - Hall III
IS23 - I -
FFT-based phase-field modelling for microstructurally short cracks
S. Lucarini
F. Dunne
E. Martínez-Pañeda
A chemo-mechanically coupled theory including elasto-plastic deformations for Finite-Element simulations
J. Gisy
A. Dyck
T. Böhlke
Multiphase-field Approach to Hydrogen Embrittlement in Polycrystalline Materials
H. Jafarzadeh
O. Shchyglo
I. Steinbach
Another heat-transfer analogy for modeling chemo-mechanically coupled hydrogen diffusion processes in metals
A. Dyck
J. Gisy
L. Groß
T. Böhlke
Modelling Electrolyte-Metal Interactions using the Fracture Phase-field Framework for Predicting Hydrogen Embrittlement
T. Hageman
E. Martínez-Pañeda
05/06/2023 11:10
IS10 - I -
Coupled Thermo-mechanical Modeling of Large Deformation Processes
Corresponding Organizer:
Jean Philippe Ponthot
(University of Liège)
Chaired by:
Prof. Jean Philippe Ponthot
(University of Liège)
Mon, 05/06/2023
11:10 - 13:10
Imperial - Hall IV
IS10 - I -
Stress-accurate FE framework for the numerical simulation of the FSW process
M. Chiumenti
H. Venghaus
J. Baiges
N. Dialami
M. Cervera
D. Juhre
Thermo-mechanical coupling topology optimization of leading edge structures considering GH4099 additive manufacturing constraints
H. Liu
S. Zhu
J. Li
J. Lv
Hot compression bonding of AA6061: A computational study of interface conditions and their relation to bond strength
M. Kayat
B. Mittelman
M. Ben-Haroush
I. Aloush
L. Mordechay
J. Bortman
E. Priel
A thermomechanically fully coupled finite strain shape memory alloy model applied to bistable microactuators
S. Wulfinghoff
M. Hörsting
05/06/2023 11:10
IS20 - I -
Complexity reduction of large-scale parametric problems: domain decomposition, reduced order models and machine learning
Corresponding Organizer:
Matteo Giacomini
(CIMNE - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona)
Chaired by:
Dr. Matteo Giacomini
(CIMNE - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona)
Mon, 05/06/2023
11:10 - 13:10
Athina - Athina II
IS20 - I -
Validation of the ICDD method to model the filtration of fluid in porous media
P. Gervasio
M. Discacciati
Modelling of Non-Linear Contact Resistance in a Finite Element Framework
S. Blakseth
A. Massing
A Coupled Radiation-Fluid Flow Model for the Prediction of Inactivation Pathogens in air and water using UVC
A. Buchan
L. Yang
K. Atkinson
D. Welch
Reducing the cost of building digital twins: from domain decomposition to multifidelity models
M. Giacomini
M. Discacciati
A. Huerta
05/06/2023 11:10
IS16 - I -
Nonlinear and deep learning based model reduction for coupled problems
Corresponding Organizer:
Karsten Urban
(Universität Ulm)
Chaired by:
Prof. Karsten Urban
(Universität Ulm)
Mon, 05/06/2023
11:10 - 13:10
Athina - Athina III
IS16 - I -
Nonlinear and Deep-learning based ROMs for coupled CFD with fast transient dynamics
G. Rozza
M. Cracco
G. Stabile
Non-intrusive reduced order modeling for a coupled electro-thermo-mechanical problem
L. Schuler
L. Chamoin
Z. Khatir
M. Berkani
M. Ouhab
Learning Nonlinear Hamiltonain Systems in a Suitable Quadratic Embeddings
S. Yildiz
P. Goyal
T. Bendokat
P. Benner
A Certified Adaptive Surrogate Hierarchy for Parametrized PDEs
B. Haasdonk
H. Kleikamp
M. Ohlberger
F. Schindler
T. Wenzel
Space-time Variational Methods for Control Constrained Parabolic Optimal Control Problems
M. Reinhold
N. Beranek
K. Urban
05/06/2023 11:10
Coupled problems in building materials: from constitutive laws to multiphysics
Corresponding Organizer:
Beatrice Pomaro
(University of Padova: Universita degli Studi di Padova)
Chaired by:
Prof. Jaroslav Kruis
(Czech Technical University in Prague)
Mon, 05/06/2023
11:10 - 13:10
Athina - Ariadne
Micro-to-macro mechanical modeling of corrosion-induced cracking
D. Kammer
M. Pundir
U. Angst
Coupled thermal-metallurgical model of high pressure gas quenching of Pyrowear 53 ring gears
K. Bzowski
Ł. Rauch
M. Pietrzyk
J. Łazarski
A One-Way Coupled Model for Unsaturated Soils that Captures the Change in Water Content Due to Volumetric Strains
M. Eyüpgiller
M. Ülker
On the thermoelasticity in two-phase hollow cylinder with radially graded material properties
P. Ostrowski
Efficient Implementation of Lattice Discrete Particle Models for Quasi-brittle and Polymer Materials
J. Kruis
J. Vorel
T. Koudelka
05/06/2023 13:10
Lunch Break
Mon, 05/06/2023
13:10 - 14:30
Minoa Palace Resort Hotel
05/06/2023 14:30
IS06 - II -
Computational Models and Methods for Multiphysics Processes in Multiphase Porous Media - in Honour of the 80th Birthday of Professor Schrefler
Corresponding Organizer:
Lorenzo Sanavia
(University of Padova)
Chaired by:
Prof. Andrew Chan
(University of Tasmania)
Mon, 05/06/2023
14:30 - 16:30
Imperial - Main
IS06 - II -
How physics-informed neural networks can leverage our understanding of conventional geotechnical and structural engineering problems?
M. Vahab
N. Khalili
Mechanics and Physics of Meniscus Instability due to Drying of Granular Media
R. Chen
B. Mielniczuk
A. Guevel
M. Veveakis
T. Hueckel
On the Role of Capillary Energy in Inducing Damage and Possibility of Fractures in Partially Saturated Porous Media
S. Ommi
G. Sciarra
P. Nardinochhi
Variationally Consistent Phase-field Models for Desiccation Cracking
R. Bharali
F. Larsson
R. Jänicke
F. Paul van der Meer
Phase-field modelling of drying induced cracks in initially water saturated porous media
C. Luo
L. Sanavia
L. De Lorenzis
Thermo-hydrodynamic Crack Propagation in Porous Media
R. al Khoury
M. Arzanfudi
05/06/2023 14:30
IS21 -II -
Recent trends in model order reduction for coupled problems
Corresponding Organizer:
Giovanni Stabile
(Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies)
Chaired by:
Prof. Gianluigi Rozza
Mon, 05/06/2023
14:30 - 16:30
Athina - Athina I
IS21 -II -
Model-based Co-simulation of Non-smooth Systems using Reduced Models
A. Raoofian
X. Dai
J. Kovecses
Efficient and accurate reduced order modelling for cardiovascular applications
M. Girfoglio
P. Siena
C. Balzotti
A. Quaini
G. Rozza
a Data Driven Reduced Order Model for Multiphysics Simulations of a Household Refrigerator
A. Hajisharifi
R. Halder
M. Girfoglio
G. Stabile
G. Rozza
05/06/2023 14:30
IS33 - II -
Progress in Computational Multiphysics Using Open-source Software
Corresponding Organizer:
Holger Marschall
(TU Darmstadt)
Chaired by:
Prof. Holger Marschall
(TU Darmstadt)
Mon, 05/06/2023
14:30 - 16:30
Imperial - Hall I
IS33 - II -
Multistep interface coupling for high-order adaptive black-box multiphysics simulations
Advanced Study of the Design of Auxetic Piezoelectric Structures using Structural Optimization
G. Stankiewicz
C. Dev
P. Steinmann
Structural Topology and Shape Optimization of Electro-Active Polymers Immersed in Free Space
C. Dev
G. Stankiewicz
P. Steinmann
Application of Load-Balanced Adaptive Mesh Refinement to Hydrogen Combustion
M. Fadeli
T. Karpowski
D. Kaddar
F. Ferraro
H. Marschall
C. Hasse
Multi-model Investigation of the In-cylinder Direct-injection Engine Phenomena using Open-source Code
A. Pati
C. Hasse
05/06/2023 14:30
IS01 - II -
Advanced computational approaches for solving coupled problems in geomechanics
Corresponding Organizer:
Ha H. Bui
(Monash University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Jidong Zhao
(Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
Mon, 05/06/2023
14:30 - 16:30
Imperial - Hall II
IS01 - II -
Finit Element Simulation of Calcite Precipitation in Soils
V. S. Terra
F. M.F. Simões
R. Cardoso.
Numerical modelling of rotational frictional sliding induced damage on rock
T. Saksala
Fluid inertia, turbulance, and rate effects in hydraulic fractures
R. Gracie
B. Gee
N. Betancourt Irusta
Thaw-induced large deformation in granular media: a hierarchical multiscale perspective
S. Zhao
H. Chen
J. Zhao
Fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model for fracture propagation in leak-off dominated regimes
J. Rueda
C. Mejia
D. Roehl
P. Firme
05/06/2023 14:30
IS23 - II -
Computational modeling for hydrogen technologies
Corresponding Organizer:
Tim Hageman
(Imperial College London)
Chaired by:
Dr. Tim Hageman
(Imperial College London)
Mon, 05/06/2023
14:30 - 16:30
Imperial - Hall III
IS23 - II -
Continuous Galerkin Formulation For The Simulation Of Multiphysics Processes In Planar Solid-oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC)
A. Costa-Solé
A. Gargallo-Peiró
D. Mira
M. Torrell
A. Tarancón
Multiscale approach to simulate multiphysics in Solid Oxide Cell (SOC) electrodes
Á. Rodríguez Cambra
M. García Camprubí
F. Gil
C. Sáenz
J. Ortún
LES study of an excited turbulent flame issuing from square and triangular nozzles
J. Stempka
A. Tyliszczak
LES study of bluff-body stabilized hydrogen turbulent flame subjected to axial and tangential excitations
L. Caban
A. Wawrzak
A. Tyliszczak
Buoyancy driven circulation in electrolysis cells
S. Zitz
K. Missios
C. Hemmmingsen
K. Nielsen
J. Roenby
05/06/2023 14:30
IS10 - II -
Coupled Thermo-mechanical Modeling of Large Deformation Processes
Corresponding Organizer:
Jean Philippe Ponthot
(University of Liège)
Chaired by:
Prof. Jean Philippe Ponthot
(University of Liège)
Mon, 05/06/2023
14:30 - 16:30
Imperial - Hall IV
IS10 - II -
Thermomechanical Simulation of Blanking Process
J. Ponthot
R. Boman
L. Papeleux
C. Canales
A Thermomechanically Coupled Model for Fiber-reinforced Semi-crystalline Polymers at Finite Strains: Application to Varying Degrees of Crystallinity and Temperature
M. Reuvers
T. Brepols
S. Reese
Meshfree Modelling of Coupled Thermal-Mechanical-Chemical Phenomena in Energetic Aggregates
J. Brown
F. Beckwith
K. Wolf
J. Clemmer
05/06/2023 14:30
IS20 - II -
Complexity reduction of large-scale parametric problems: domain decomposition, reduced order models and machine learning
Corresponding Organizer:
Matteo Giacomini
(CIMNE - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona)
Chaired by:
Dr. Marco Discacciati
(Loughborough University)
Mon, 05/06/2023
14:30 - 16:30
Athina - Athina II
IS20 - II -
Machine Learning-based Surrogate Modeling Approaches for Fixed-Wing Store Separation
N. Peters
J. Ekaterinaris
Port-metriplectic Neural Networks for Coupled Physical Phenomena
Q. Hernandez
A. Badias
F. Chinesta
E. Cueto
Discretized PDE-based Physics Informed Neural Network: Application in Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem
R. Halder
G. Stabile
G. Rozza
Coupled Reduced Order Model Components for Flow Problems
V. Tsiolakis
T. Kvamsdal
A. Rasheed
E. Fonn
H. van Brummelen
05/06/2023 14:30
IS16 - II -
Nonlinear and deep learning based model reduction for coupled problems
Corresponding Organizer:
Karsten Urban
(Universität Ulm)
Chaired by:
Dr. Silke Glas
(University of Twente)
Mon, 05/06/2023
14:30 - 16:30
Athina - Athina III
IS16 - II -
Ensuring local mass conservation in reduced order models by using exact discrete complexes
W. Boon
A. Fumagalli
A one-shot overlapping Schwartz method for component-based model order reduction of nonlinear PDEs.
T. Taddei
Model order reduction in contour integration method for parametric linear evolution equations.
N. Guglielmi
M. Manucci
Low-Dimensional Discovery of Port-Hamiltonian Systems by Combining Model Order Reduction and Machine Learning
J. Rettberg
J. Kneifl
J. Fehr
B. Haasdonk
A certified wavelet-based physics-informed neural network for the solution of parameterized partial differential equations
L. Ernst
K. Urban
Nonlinear Model Reduction for Wildland Fire Simulation
F. Black
P. Schulze
B. Unger
05/06/2023 14:30
IS09 - I -
Coupled Simulations for Additive Manufacturing
Corresponding Organizer:
Ferdinando Auricchio
(University of Pavia)
Chaired by:
Prof. Ferdinando Auricchio
(University of Pavia)
Mon, 05/06/2023
14:30 - 16:30
Athina - Ariadne
IS09 - I -
Numerical study of the multi-strand deposition using a boundary-conforming free-surface approach
F. González
S. Elgeti
M. Behr
Phase-Field Simulations of Precipitations in additive manufacturing process of IN 625
R. Darabi
J. Cesar de Sa
A. Reis
Application of Multi-Index Stochastic Collocation to Part-scale Thermomechanical Analysis of Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion of Metals
M. Chiappetta
C. Piazzola
M. Carraturo
L. Tamellini
A. Reali
F. Auricchio
A Peridynamics Framework for Selectiv Laser Melting Simulations
M. Zverlov
M. Gee
05/06/2023 16:30
Coffee Break
Mon, 05/06/2023
16:30 - 17:00
Minoa Palace Resort Hotel
05/06/2023 17:00
IS06 - III -
Computational Models and Methods for Multiphysics Processes in Multiphase Porous Media - in Honour of the 80th Birthday of Professor Schrefler
Corresponding Organizer:
Lorenzo Sanavia
(University of Padova)
Chaired by:
Prof. Claudio Tamagnini
(University of Perugia)
Mon, 05/06/2023
17:00 - 19:00
Imperial - Main
IS06 - III -
Electro-chemo-mechanical couplings in structural batteries with diffusion, migration and convection in the electrolyte
K. Runesson
D. Carlstedt
F. Larsson
V. Tu
R. Jänicke
L. Asp
Chemo-mechanical modelling of the breathing effect during lithiation and delithiation in Li-Si batteries
J. Dittmann
J. Stern
H. Beiranvand
S. Wulfinghoff
Numerical Modelling of Nickel Electrodeposition on Polyurethane Foams
N. Ghiasi
S. Diebels
Coupled Flow Dynamics and Mass Transfer of CO2 into Food as Porous Media
S. Esmaeilian
A. Feyissa
A. Olsen
Multiscale, micromechanics-inspired modeling employed for quantifying the mechanobiology of bone
S. Scheiner
C. Hellmich
T. Geroski
N. Filipovic
05/06/2023 17:00
IS21 - III -
Recent trends in model order reduction for coupled problem
Corresponding Organizer:
Giovanni Stabile
(Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies)
Chaired by:
Prof. Gianluigi Rozza
Mon, 05/06/2023
17:00 - 19:00
Athina - Athina I
IS21 - III -
A Reduced Order Model for Geometrically Parameterized Two-Scale Simulations
T. Guo
O. Rokos
K. Veroy
A Modular Reduced-Order Modeling Strategy for Coupled Multiphysics Problems
F. Wurtzer
P. Boucard
P. Ladevèze
D. Néron
POD-based MOR of electro-chemically coupled ion transport
V. Tu
F. Larsson
K. Runesson
R. Jänicke
Development of a methodology to generate a digital twin of a floating offshore wind turbine platform
J. García-Espinosa
05/06/2023 17:00
IS33 - III -
Progress in Computational Multiphysics Using Open-source Software
Corresponding Organizer:
Holger Marschall
(TU Darmstadt)
Chaired by:
Prof. Holger Marschall
(TU Darmstadt)
Mon, 05/06/2023
17:00 - 19:00
Imperial - Hall I
IS33 - III -
Transferability of Neural Network Ensemble Models between different Open-Source Codes
T. Karpowski
F. Ferraro
E. Fortes
A. Both
D. Mira
C. Hasse
An open-source implemention of acoustic scattering problems through rigid-porous media in steady laminar flow
A. Nayak
A. Prieto
D. Fernández-Comesaña
Magneto-Thermal Thin Shell Approximation for Open-Source Transient Analysis of Superconducting Magnets
E. Schnaubelt
M. Wozniak
J. Dular
C. Geuzaine
N. Marsic
B. Vanderheyden
S. Schöps
DNS of emulsions in OpenFOAM - the influence of interface advection method
K. Missios
M. Crialesi-Esposito
N. Scapin
L. Brandt
J. Roenby
05/06/2023 17:00
IS29 - I -
Coupling image processing and computational modeling for biomedical applications
Corresponding Organizer:
Suzanne Shontz
(University of Kansas)
Chaired by:
Dr. Cristian Linte
(Rochester Institute of Technology)
Mon, 05/06/2023
17:00 - 19:00
Imperial - Hall III
IS29 - I -
A Pipeline for Generating Patient-Specific Anatomical Models of the Heart from Cine Cardiac MRI
C. Linte
Material Decomposition Techniques and Parameter Estimation for Spectral Computed Tomography
F. Bevilacqua
Y. Dong
J. Jørgensen
A. Lanza
M. Pragliola
Space-Time Independent Component Analysis for the extraction of information in functional imaging
C. James
Unmasked and Masked Principles for Automatic Parameter Selection in Variational Models for Poisson Noise Corruption
A. Lanza
F. Bevilacqua
M. Pragliola
F. Sgallari
From 4D Transesophageal Echocardiography to Patient Specific Mitral Valve Models
P. Carnahan
T. Peters
E. Chen
A Multiscale and Multiphase Digital Twin of Function-Perfusion Processes in the Human Liver
T. Ricken
L. Mandl
S. Gerhäusser
L. Lambers
A. Mielke
05/06/2023 17:00
IS13 - I -
Machine learning and uncertainty quantification for coupled multi-physics, multi-scale and multi-fidelity modelling
Corresponding Organizer:
Irina Tezaur
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Chaired by:
Dr. Cosmin Safta
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Mon, 05/06/2023
17:00 - 19:00
Imperial - Hall IV
IS13 - I -
A Multi-Fidelity Ensemble Kalman Filter with Adaptive Reduced-Order Models
F. Silva
C. Pagliantini
K. Veroy
Non-Intrusive Model Order Reduction for Sintering Applications
R. Dhopeshwar
H. Bansal
H. Shi
D. Giuntini
K. Veroy
Multilevel Optimization for Inverse Problems
S. Weissmann
A. Wilson
J. Zech
Ensemble Kalman Inversion for reduced Multi-scale Model via Deep-learning
Y. Hong
H. Bansal
K. Veroy
Deep learning solvers for predicting alloy microstructure in additive manufacturing
G. Biros
05/06/2023 17:00
Computational Mechanics in Clinical Practice
Corresponding Organizer:
( Tel Aviv University)
Chaired by:
( Tel Aviv University)
Dr. Nir Trabelsi
(SCE-Shamoon College of Engineering)
Mon, 05/06/2023
17:00 - 19:00
Athina - Athina III
Coupled of Autonomous Finite Element Analysis and Machine Learning for Hip Fracture Prediction
N. Trabelsi
Z. Yosibash
I. Buchnik
Individual Postoperative And Preoperative Workflow For Patients With Fractures Of The Lower And Upper Extremities
K. Wickert
A. Andres
M. Roland
B. Braun
T. Histing
S. Diebels
Autonomous Finite Elements (AFE) are Used by Orthopedic Oncologists in Decisions About Prophylactic Surgery for Patients with Metastatic Tumors
Z. Yosibash
K. Myers
A. Sternheim
N. Trabelsi
Projection-based model order reduction incorporating geometry variability applied to cardiac mechanics
L. Wagmueller
M. Gitterle
M. Wibmer
M. Gee
Patient-Specific 3D-0D Coupled Cardiovascular Model to Inform Pulmonary Valve Replacement in Tetralogy of Fallot Patients
T. Arjoune
C. Meierhofer
H. Stern
P. Ewert
M. Gee
05/06/2023 17:00
IS09 - II -
Coupled Simulations for Additive Manufacturing
Corresponding Organizer:
Ferdinando Auricchio
(University of Pavia)
Chaired by:
Dr. Massimo Carraturo
(University of Pavia)
Mon, 05/06/2023
17:00 - 19:00
Athina - Ariadne
IS09 - II -
Coupled Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Additive Manufacturing process
J. Voříšek
B. Patzák
M. Horák
Š. Michal
A Multiphysics numerical model for the laser metal deposition additive manufacturing process: Simplified approach & experimental validation
Thermo-Mechanical Structural Optimization of a Chemical Propulsion Satellite Thruster Using Lattice Structures
S. Valvano
A. Maligno
Inverse Homogenization Topology Optimization for the Design of New Cellular Materials
N. Ferro
S. Perotto
06/06/2023 08:30
IS11 - I -
Immersed Boundary Methods for Coupled Problems
Corresponding Organizer:
Ernst Rank
(Technical University of Munich)
Chaired by:
Prof. Ernst Rank
(Technical University of Munich)
Tue, 06/06/2023
08:30 - 10:30
Athina - Athina I
IS11 - I -
The Shifted Boundary Method and the Shifted Fracture Method
G. Scovazzi
N. Atallah
K. Li
A. Rodriguez-Ferran
Numerical simulation of humeral neck fractures combining phase-field models and the parallel hp-adaptive finite cell method
L. Hug
S. Kollmannsberger
Z. Yosibash
E. Rank
Weak and Strong Stabilisation of Cut Finite Element Methods
E. Burman
P. Hansbo
M. Larson
A Continuous Forcing Immersed Boundary Approach to Solve the VARANS Equations in a Volumetric Porous Region
M. Vergassola
O. Colomes
Application of immersed boundary methods for physics-driven generative design
N. Korshunova
L. Kudela
M. Straccia
D. D'Angella
06/06/2023 08:30
IS04 - I -
Advances in Multiphysics Modelling and Simulation of Electromagnetic Systems
Corresponding Organizer:
Federico Moro
(Università di Padova)
Chaired by:
Prof. Federico Moro
(Università di Padova)
Prof. Innocent Niyonzima
(Université Grenoble Alpes)
Tue, 06/06/2023
08:30 - 10:30
Imperial - Hall I
IS04 - I -
Electro-thermal homogenisation of windings in high frequency electromagnetic devices at high frequency
R. V. Sabariego
W. Martinez
J. Gyselinck
Effect of High Deformations on the Induction Heating of Thin Steel Sheets
V. Filkin
Y. Vetyukov
F. Toth
Stable and Accurate Method for Simulating the Anisotropic Diffusion in Toroidally Confined Magnetic Fields
D. Muir
K. Duru
M. Hole
S. Hudson
Development of a Finite Strain Weakly Coupled Electro-Magneto-Thermo-Mechanical Model for Shape Memory Polymer Composites
V. Gholap
L. Noels
C. Geuzaine
MHD Coupled Simulation of Taylor-Couette Flow of Liquid Metal
T. Hasebe
T. Fujino
H. Takana
H. Kobayashi
06/06/2023 08:30
Coupled Modelling and Computational Challenges in Transport , Energy and Buildings targeting carbon neutrality focusing on decarbonisation, energy efficiency and societal implications
Corresponding Organizer:
Jacques Periaux
Chaired by:
Prof. Jacques Periaux
Tue, 06/06/2023
08:30 - 10:30
Imperial - Main
Challenges in real practice applications of data-driven intelligence to decarbonize our buildings and cities
J. Cipriano
G. Laguna
G. Mor
Research on Bayesian Optimization for Efficient Airfoil Design
Z. Liu
X. Liu
H. Lyu
Evolutionary Multidisciplinary Shape Design Optimization" of a Blended Wing Body Aircraft Configuration with distributed propulsion"
Z. Tanga
S. Luo
H. Li
J. Periaux
Modelling the Generation and Dispersion of Ground Level Ozone
W. Fitzgibbon
J. Morgan
06/06/2023 08:30
IS14 - I -
Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Simulations with the Coupling Library preCICE
Corresponding Organizer:
Gerasimos Chourdakis
(Technical University of Munich)
Chaired by:
Mr. Gerasimos Chourdakis
(Technical University of Munich)
Tue, 06/06/2023
08:30 - 10:30
Imperial - Hall II
IS14 - I -
An introduction to the preCICE coupling library
F. Simonis
B. Uekermann
Investigation of CFD-DEM momentum coupling results for AWJC Nozzle using preCICE
Hemodynamic evaluation of aortic aneurysms using FSI simulations
B. Chitneedi
C. Karliampas
Towards Computational Efficient Fully Coupled Aeroelastic Simulations of Turbomachinery Blades with TRACE and CalculiX
M. Freimuth
C. Berthold
F. Herbst
An HPC Multi-Physics Framework for Next-Generation Industrial Aircraft Simulations
E. Fadiga
F. Rondina
S. Oliani
T. Benacchio
D. Malacrida
L. Capone
06/06/2023 08:30
IS29 - II -
Coupling image processing and computational modeling for biomedical applications
Corresponding Organizer:
Suzanne Shontz
(University of Kansas)
Chaired by:
Prof. Suzanne Shontz
(University of Kansas)
Tue, 06/06/2023
08:30 - 10:30
Imperial - Hall III
IS29 - II -
Coupling Image Processing and Dynamic High-Order Mesh Generation for Biomechanics Simulations
F. Mohammadi
S. Shontz
C. Linte
Efficient numerical methods for simulating cardiac electrophysiology with cellular resolution
F. Chegini
A. Froehly
N. Huynh
L. Pavarino
M. Potse
S. Scacchi
M. Weiser
Immersed Techniques for Fluid-Structure Interaction with Applications to Computational Biomechanics
P. Zulian
R. Krause
M. Nestola
D. Rossinelli
Convex-NonConvex (CNC) Variational Models and Algorithms for Inverse Imaging Problems
A. Lanza
F. Sgallari
S. Morigi
M. Huska
I. Selesnick
Design of Stents Using Geometrically and Materially Nonlinear Topology Optimization Including Contact Mechanics
L. Rinderer
M. Gee
06/06/2023 08:30
IS13 - II -
Machine learning and uncertainty quantification for coupled multi-physics, multi-scale and multi-fidelity modelling
Corresponding Organizer:
Irina Tezaur
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Chaired by:
Dr. Irina Tezaur
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Tue, 06/06/2023
08:30 - 10:30
Imperial - Hall IV
IS13 - II -
Graph neural network predictions of energetic and mechanical properties of solid solution alloys
M. Lupo Pasini
G. Jung
S. Irle
A Zonal Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Reynolds Stress in Turbulent Flows
A. Man
A. Keshmiri
H. Yin
Y. Mahmoudi
Expressive Surrogate Models via Functional Tensor Networks
C. Safta
A. Gorodetsky
J. Jakeman
Component-based model order reduction procedure for large scales Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical systems
A. Iollo
G. Sambataro
T. Taddei
Effect of Geometrical and Flow Parameters on the Heat Transfer of Impinging Jet on the Concave Surface
S. Salavatidezfouli
S. Rakhsha
R. Halder
G. Stabile
G. Rozza
Layered Model of Fluid-Structure Interaction in Dry Wire Drawing with Coupled Axial Velocity
M. Vervaecke
D. Fauconnier
J. Degroote
06/06/2023 08:30
IS36 -
Simulation methods for coupled problems
Corresponding Organizer:
Alessio Bazzanella
Tue, 06/06/2023
08:30 - 10:30
Athina - Athina II
IS36 -
Immersive metamaterial experimentation: implementation of a virtual periodic boundary condition
H. Thomsen
B. Zhao
A. Colombi
Monolithic Newton-Multigrid FEM Solver for Nonlinear Multifield Coupled Problems: Application to thixotropic flow
N. Begum
Modified Kirsch Problem Incorporating Surface Stresses under Plane Stress
A. Vakaeva
M. Grekov
Modeling phase transformations and damage processes under complex boundary conditions by means of extremal principles
P. Junker
C. Erdogan
F. Liu
M. Gierig
T. Bode
D. Jantos
Investigation of J-integrals and SIFs in piezoelectric materials by element differential method
L. Jin
Y. Yang
Y. Li
R. Wang
J. Lv
Free and forced vibration analysis using the strong-form zonal free element method
X. Chu
B. Li
Y. Li
J. Lv
06/06/2023 08:30
IS18 - I -
Particle-based methods in Coupled Problems: advances and applications in DEM, PFEM, SPH, MPM, MPS and others
Corresponding Organizer:
Sergio Idelsohn
Chaired by:
Prof. Sergio Idelsohn
Tue, 06/06/2023
08:30 - 10:30
Athina - Athina III
IS18 - I -
Partitioned MPM-FEM Coupling Approach for Advanced Numerical Simulation of Mass-Movement Hazards Impacting Flexible Protective Structures
V. Singer
A. Larese
A. Börst
R. Wüchner
K. Bletzinger
A new remeshing strategy relying on level-set functions for the particle finite element method
E. Fernández
S. Février
M. Lacroix
L. Papeleux
R. Boman
J. Ponthot
Coupled PD-DEM approach for modelling leading edge erosion of wind turbine blades due to solid particles impingement
K. Walayat
S. Haeri
Coupling of a Vortex Particle Method with OpenFOAM for efficient external aerodynamic simulations
R. Pasolari
C. Ferreira
A. Zuijlen
Neural Network Enhanced RKPM for Electrochemical-Mechanical Coupled Damage Modeling of Energy Storage Materials
K. Susuki
J. Allen
J. Chen
06/06/2023 08:30
IS25 - I -
Multiphase flows in microfluidic applications: droplet dynamics, wetting, and transport in complex media
Corresponding Organizer:
Pavel Ryzhakov
(CIMNE, Barcelona)
Chaired by:
Prof. Pavel Ryzhakov
(CIMNE, Barcelona)
Tue, 06/06/2023
08:30 - 10:30
Athina - Ariadne
IS25 - I -
Challenges of Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Wetting Phenomena
S. Afkhami
3DDA: a novel python toolkit to analyse 3D-dynamic contact angles from Molecular Dynamics simulations
A. Maslov
Direct Numerical Simulations of Sliding Droplets using a Phase-Field Approach
F. Bodziony
H. Marschall
A robust level-set reconstruction scheme for the modelling of large droplet deformations
M. Hashemi
A. Hashemi
R. Rossi
P. Ryzhakov
06/06/2023 10:30
Coffee Break
Tue, 06/06/2023
10:30 - 11:00
Minoa Palace Resort Hotel
06/06/2023 11:00
Plenary Lecture II - S. Idelsohn, R. Lohner and K. Veroy-Grepl
Chaired by:
Prof. Peter Wriggers
(Leibniz University of Hannover)
Tue, 06/06/2023
11:00 - 13:15
Imperial - Main
Coupling solid particles with fluids: a challenge in turbulent flows
S. Idelsohn
Deterministic Pathogen Transmission via Coupled Computational Fluid and Crowd Dynamics
R. Lohner
Model Order Reduction in the Parametrized Multi-Scale and Coupled Setting
K. Veroy-Grepl
06/06/2023 13:15
Lunch Break
Tue, 06/06/2023
13:15 - 14:30
Minoa Palace Resort Hotel
06/06/2023 14:30
Plenary Lecture III - P. Díez and R. Codina
Chaired by:
Prof. Stefanie Reese
(RWTH Aachen University)
Tue, 06/06/2023
14:30 - 16:00
Imperial - Main
Reduced-Order Models in Bayesian solvers for inverse problems
P. Díez
S. Zlotnik
A. Muixí
A. García-González
A Numerical Approach to Viscoelastic Fluid-Structure Interaction
R. Codina
06/06/2023 16:00
Coffee Break
Tue, 06/06/2023
16:00 - 16:30
Minoa Palace Resort Hotel
06/06/2023 16:30
IS31 - I -
Sharing Advances in Modelling Techniques for Fluid-Structure Interaction
Corresponding Organizer:
Vincent Faucher
Chaired by:
Prof. Vincent Faucher
Tue, 06/06/2023
16:30 - 18:30
Imperial - Main
IS31 - I -
Sharing Advances in Modelling Techniques for Fluid-Structure Interaction : introduction and review
V. Faucher
G. Ricciardi
A mixed Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation for free-surface fluid-structure interaction problems
M. Cremonesi
C. Fu
U. Perego
A Dynamic Substructuring Method for FSI Problems with Fluid-Filled Pipes and Vessels
N. Tardieu
M. El Haddad
P. Badel
J. Curt
A Novel Method to Compute Forced and Induced Motion of Rigid Body Based on Monolithic Eulerian Fluid-structure Interaction Scheme and Immersed Boundary Method
T. Shimada
K. Nishiguchi
R. Bale
S. Okazawa
M. Tsubokura
X-Mesh: A new approach for the simulation of two-phase flow with sharp interface
J. Remacle
Global sensitivity analysis of sound transmission loss of double-wall with porous layers
S. Bakhouche
W. Larbi
R. Aloui
P. Macquart
J. Deü
06/06/2023 16:30
IS11 - II -
Immersed Boundary Methods for Coupled Problems
Corresponding Organizer:
Ernst Rank
(Technical University of Munich)
Chaired by:
Prof. Mats G. Larson
(Umea University)
Tue, 06/06/2023
16:30 - 18:30
Athina - Athina I
IS11 - II -
Non-Destructive Testing Using the Finite Cell Method
E. Rank
T. Bürchner
P. Kopp
S. Kollmannsberger
Vibroacoustic Simulations of Acoustic Damping Materials Using the Finite Cell Method
L. Radtke
A. Düster
P. Marter
F. Duvigneau
D. Juhre
IsoGeometric LaTIn method for non-conformal coupling with non-linear interface behaviour
E. Lapina
P. Oumaziz
R. Bouclier
An isogeometric collocation framework for coupled electromechanical simulations
M. Torre
S. Morganti
F. Pasqualini
A. Reali
06/06/2023 16:30
IS04 - II -
Advances in Multiphysics Modelling and Simulation of Electromagnetic Systems
Corresponding Organizer:
Federico Moro
(Università di Padova)
Chaired by:
Prof. Federico Moro
(Università di Padova)
Prof. Innocent Niyonzima
(Université Grenoble Alpes)
Tue, 06/06/2023
16:30 - 18:30
Imperial - Hall I
IS04 - II -
The effect of inherent nonlinearities in coupled piezo-magneto-electric vibration energy harvester
R. Ardito
M. Rosso
Multiphysics and Multiscale Modeling of Electrically Active Implants
R. Appali
A. Gomes
H. Raben
U. van Rienen
Finite Element solution of flexophotovoltaics
S. Pérez Escudero
D. Codony
S. Fernàndez-Méndez
I. Arias
Analysis of cracks in solids with flexomagnetic effect
M. Repka
L. Sator
Development and comparison of three-dimensional h-conforming and b-conforming multiscale formulations for composites accounting for eddy currents
I. Niyonzima
A. Marteau
G. Meunier
N. Galopin
O. Chadebec
06/06/2023 16:30
IS14 - II -
Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Simulations with the Coupling Library preCICE
Corresponding Organizer:
Gerasimos Chourdakis
(Technical University of Munich)
Chaired by:
Mr. Gerasimos Chourdakis
(Technical University of Munich)
Tue, 06/06/2023
16:30 - 18:30
Imperial - Hall II
IS14 - II -
Data-Parallel Radial-Basis Function Interpolation in preCICE
D. Schneider
T. Schrader
B. Uekermann
An advanced Coupling Approach for Solving Corrosion and Fracture Mechanics using preCICE
C. Kandekar
A. Ravikumar
D. Höche
W. Weber
Implementing a Comprehensive Hydromechanical Model for Sedimentary Basins by Coupling a 3D Mechanical Code to a Classic Basin Fluid Flow Code with the PreCICE Library
Coupled Multiphysics Models in the Field of Pyrometallurgy
W. Roos
A. Bogaers
J. Zietsman
Implementation and Formulation of a Multi-Region, Electromagnetic Solver for Discontinuous Media
A. Bogaers
W. Roos
Q. Reynolds
J. Zietsman
06/06/2023 16:30
IS26 -
Structure-preserving discretization methods for Coupled Problems
Corresponding Organizer:
Peter Betsch
(Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT))
Chaired by:
Prof. Peter Betsch
(Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT))
Tue, 06/06/2023
16:30 - 18:30
Imperial - Hall III
IS26 -
A preserving scheme for phase-change with sharp interface using the extreme mesh deformation approach (X-MESH)
N. Moes
J. Remacle
J. Lambrechts
B. Le
N. Chevaugeon
Continuous and hybrid finite elements for port-Hamiltonian systems
A. Brugnoli
R. Rashad
S. Stramigioli
High-Order Summation-By-Parts Finite Differences for the Second-Order Wave Equation with Piecewise Smooth Wave Speed
G. Eriksson
A structure-preserving approach to simulating Hamiltonian systems with dissipation
S. Jeyakumar
M. Kraus
D. Pfefferlé
M. Hole
Multi-block High-order Finite Difference Method for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations in Complex Geometry
D. Niemelä
A Polyconvexity-Inspired Mixed Formulation and Structure-Preserving Discretization for Coupled Nonlinear Electro-Thermo-Elastodynamics
M. Hille
M. Franke
F. Zähringer
R. Ortigosa
P. Betsch
A. Gil
06/06/2023 16:30
Interdisciplinary Alliance in Biosciences: From physics-basedanddata-driven multiscale modelling to medical applications
Corresponding Organizer:
Roderick Melnik
(MS2Discovery, Wilfrid Laurier University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Roderick Melnik
(MS2Discovery, Wilfrid Laurier University)
Tue, 06/06/2023
16:30 - 18:30
Imperial - Hall IV
Interdisciplinary approaches in Biotechnology and Bio-innovation: Precision medicine and human genome editing
N. Tavernarakis
Estimating Latent Fields in Stochastic Dynamical Systems - A Case Study of COVID-19 in New Mexico
J. Ray
C. Safta
Coupled Spatio-Temporal Dynamics and Nonlocality in Advanced Mathematical Models for the Analysis of Complex Neurodegenerative Disease Pathologies
S. Pal
R. Melnik
Coupling Mechanics with Spinodal Decomposition Phenomena
H. Oudich
P. Carrara
L. De Lorenzis
Determination of the relationship between respiratory diseases and pollutants in the atmospheric air of the city using machine learning methods
N. Temirbekov
D. Tamabay
M. Temirbekova
06/06/2023 16:30
Multiscale and coupled problems in bioengineering
Corresponding Organizer:
Alain Kassab
(University of central florida)
Chaired by:
Dr. Eduardo Divo
(Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)
Tue, 06/06/2023
16:30 - 18:30
Athina - Athina II
A Multiphysics Cardiac Model Integrating Electrophysiology, Muscular Mechanics and Hemodynamics
M. Bucelli
A. Zingaro
P. Africa
I. Fumagalli
L. Dede'
A. Quarteroni
A Novel Musculoskeletal-driven Exoskeleton Framework for Spina Bifida Rehabilitation in Infants
V. Huayamave
E. Vela
W. Kim
T. Chambers
E. Centeno
B. Macumber
A mechanobiological bone remodelling model coupling bone physiology and systemic calcium and phosphorus homeostasis
J. Martinez-Reina
J. Calvo-Gallego
F. Gutiérrez-Millán
P. Pivonka
Assessing Scaling and Kinematic Errors in a Coupled Experimental-Computational Infant Musculoskeletal Model
T. Chambers
C. Walck
E. Mannen
V. Huayamave
06/06/2023 16:30
IS18 - II -
Particle-based methods in Coupled Problems: advances and applications in DEM, PFEM, SPH, MPM, MPS and others
Corresponding Organizer:
Sergio Idelsohn
Chaired by:
Prof. Sergio Idelsohn
Tue, 06/06/2023
16:30 - 18:30
Athina - Athina III
IS18 - II -
Evaluating the agglomeration risk in a Wurster fluidized bed coater using coarse-grained CFD-DEM
S. Irndorfer
P. Liu
D. Eisenberg
L. Contreras
D. Jajcevic
J. Khinast
Topology Optimization Using the Discrete Particle Model With Multibody Interactions
A. Kumar
S. Vedantam
Constitutively informed particle dynamics: A new paradigm for discrete particle models
M. Uchimali
S. Vedantam
Multi-scale modeling of thermo-mechanically coupled processes in granular materials
J. Alvarez
H. Cheng
S. Luding
A. Hazel
T. Weinhart
Zonal Finite Line Method for Coupled Heat Transfer Between Fluid-Solid Structures
X. Gao
H. Liu
06/06/2023 16:30
IS25 - II -
Multiphase flows in microfluidic applications: droplet dynamics, wetting, and transport in complex media
Corresponding Organizer:
Pavel Ryzhakov
Chaired by:
Dr. Tomislav Maric
(TU Darmstadt)
Dr. Mohammad R. Hashemi
(CIMNE, Barcelona)
Tue, 06/06/2023
16:30 - 18:30
Athina - Ariadne
IS25 - II -
Towards electrohydrodynamic cone-jet regime simulation in planar films for microfluidic-based manufacturing
C. Narvaez
M. Hashemi
P. Ryzhakov
J. Pons-Prats
Balancing Forces in a Segregated Polyhedral Finite-Volume Solution of Single-Field Navier-Stokes Equations for Incompressible Two-Phase Flows
T. Maric
Bubble Detachment and Convection in a Simplified Porous Electrode of an Alkaline Electrolyser
E. Mahravan
M. Kirkegård
M. Cattani
A. Nørgaard Jacobsen
P. Forooghi
On the dynamics of capillary rise: Dissipative mechanisms and non-linear oscillations
M. Fricke
E. Ouro-Koura
S. Raju
J. De Coninck
D. Bothe
06/06/2023 20:00
Tue, 06/06/2023
20:00 - 23:00
07/06/2023 09:00
IS31 - II -
Sharing Advances in Modelling Techniques for Fluid-Structure Interaction
Corresponding Organizer:
Vincent Faucher
Chaired by:
Phd. Guillaume Ricciardi
(Cea )
Wed, 07/06/2023
09:00 - 11:00
Imperial - Main
IS31 - II -
Fluid effects on the seismic response of a seismically isolated nuclear spent fuel storage pool
N. Moussallam
S. Lehmann
An Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Approach for Air-Structure Interaction Problems: an Application to MEMS Micromirrors
D. Di Cristofaro
M. Cremonesi
A. Frangi
High-fidelity simulations of liquid-gas-solid interactions during liquid metal casting processes
J. Qiao
A. Riaz
E. Balaras
Coupled Simulations of Extreme Fluid-Structure Dynamics
V. Aune
G. Valsamos
F. Casadei
On Numerical Simulation of Fluid - Structure- Acoustic Interactions Related to Human Phonation Process
P. Sváček
J. Valášek
07/06/2023 09:00
IS11 - III -
Immersed Boundary Methods for Coupled Problems
Corresponding Organizer:
Ernst Rank
(Technical University of Munich)
Chaired by:
Prof. Guglielmo Scovazzi
(Duke University)
Wed, 07/06/2023
09:00 - 11:00
Athina - Athina I
IS11 - III -
An Eulerian finite element method for tangential Navier-Stokes equations on evolving surfaces
M. Olshanskii
A. Reusken
Adaptive Geometric Multigrid for Finite Cell Flow
P. Saberi
G. Meschke
A. Vogel
phi-FEM for creeping flows around moving particles
M. Duprez
V. Lleras
A. Lozinski
A CutFEM divergence-free discretization for the Stokes problem
H. Liu
M. Neilan
M. Olshanskii
Flow-induced oscillation of compliant valve leaflets within a plane channel flow
J. Wang
A. Nitti
M. De Tullio
07/06/2023 09:00
IS04 - III -
Advances in Multiphysics Modelling and Simulation of Electromagnetic Systems
Corresponding Organizer:
Federico Moro
(Università di Padova)
Chaired by:
Prof. Federico Moro
(Università di Padova)
Prof. Innocent Niyonzima
(Université Grenoble Alpes)
Wed, 07/06/2023
09:00 - 11:00
Imperial - Hall I
IS04 - III -
Dynamic coupling between particle-in-cell, atomistic, and finite element simulations
A. Kyritsakis
T. Tiirats
R. Koitermaa
M. Veske
V. Zadin
F. Djurabekova
Simulating the Highly Coupled Physics of Electron Emission
S. Barranco Cárceles
A. Kyritsakis
V. Zadin
A. Mavalankar
I. Underwood
Modelling of functionally graded magneto-electro-elastic micro/nano plates by Moving Finite Element Method
L. Sator
M. Repka
Magnetic Scalar Potential Formulations for the Fast Solution of 3D Eddy-Current Problems in Multiply-Connected Domains
F. Moro
A. Napov
M. Pellikka
J. Smajic
L. Codecasa
07/06/2023 09:00
IS14 - III
Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Simulations with the Coupling Library preCICE
Corresponding Organizer:
Gerasimos Chourdakis
(Technical University of Munich)
Chaired by:
Dr. Benjamin Uekermann
(University of Stuttgart)
Wed, 07/06/2023
09:00 - 10:00
Imperial - Hall II
IS14 - III
Partitioned Flow Simulations with preCICE and OpenFOAM
M. Mühlhäußer
G. Chourdakis
B. Uekermann
Flexible and sustainable software for coupling mixed-dimension simulations
G. Chourdakis
E. Zonta
B. Uekermann
A Biophysically-Based Model of an Agonist-Antagonist Muscle Pair Using the Coupling Library preCICE
C. Homs-Pons
M. Schulte
07/06/2023 09:00
IS02 - I -
Advanced Mathematical Modeling, Methods and Algorithms for Sustainability
Corresponding Organizer:
Simona Perotto
(MOX, Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano)
Chaired by:
Prof. Tomás Chacón
(Universidad de Sevilla)
Wed, 07/06/2023
09:00 - 11:00
Imperial - Hall III
IS02 - I -
Boussinesq/Navier Stokes Two Way Coupling for the Simulation of Water Wave/Structure Interaction
U. Bosi
M. Bergmann
M. Parisot
Sparse Identification of Parametrized Flow Dynamics
M. Oulghelou
A. Ammar
Problem oriented discretizations for reaction-diffusion models in sustainability
A. Cardone
D. Conte
G. Frasca-Caccia
J. Martın-Vaquero
G. Pagano
B. Paternoster
07/06/2023 09:00
IS22 - I -
Iterative Methods and Preconditioners for Challenging Multiphysics Systems
Corresponding Organizer:
Matthias Mayr
(Universität der Bundeswehr München)
Chaired by:
Dr. Matthias Mayr
(Universität der Bundeswehr München)
Wed, 07/06/2023
09:00 - 11:00
Imperial - Hall IV
IS22 - I -
Towards a scalable fully-implicit VMS formulation for compressible visco-resistive MHD for application to MCF in Tokamak relevant geometries
J. Bonilla
J. Shadid
X. Tang
P. Ohm
E. Phillips
M. Crockatt
R. Pawlowski
Multigrid preconditioning for mixed-dimensional beam/solid coupling
M. Firmbach
A. Popp
M. Mayr
Adaptive Coarse Space for Saddle Point Problem
F. Nataf
P. Tournier
Co-Design of Variational Formulations of Chemo-Mechanics and the Parallel FROSch Solver Framework
F. Röver
B. Kiefer
S. Prüger
O. Rheinbach
07/06/2023 09:00
IS15 - II -
Multiscale and coupled problems in bioengineering
Corresponding Organizer:
Alain Kassab
(University of central florida)
Chaired by:
Prof. Alain Kassab
(University of central florida)
Wed, 07/06/2023
09:00 - 10:00
Athina - Athina II
IS15 - II -
Novel, highly useful coupled models in biomedicine based on multiphase poroelastic media and embedded networks
W. Wall
Self-Powered Injection-Jet Fontan Circulation to Drop Caval Pressure in a Failing Fontan
R. Prather
A. Das
E. Divo
T. Hsia
A. Kassab
W. DeCampli
On the 2D-1D Coupling in Numerical Simulations of Simplified Air Flow Model in Human Airways
T. Bodnár
A. Lancmanová
07/06/2023 09:00
IS32 - I -
Flow-Structure Interaction in Bio-Inspired Locomotion/Transport Problems: Methods and Applications
Corresponding Organizer:
Marco D. de Tullio
(Politecnico di Bari)
Chaired by:
Prof. Marco D. de Tullio
(Politecnico di Bari)
Wed, 07/06/2023
09:00 - 11:00
Athina - Athina III
IS32 - I -
Thrust Performance and Flow Physics of Wave Assisted Propulsion Systems
J. Seo
H. Raut
R. Mittal
Multiphysics aspects of rowing propulsion in oblate jellyfish: from neuronal excitation to locomotion
A. Nitti
M. Torre
A. Reali
M. de Tullio
Couple Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations of the Jets Generated by Upside-Down Jellyfish
L. Miller
M. Santiago
A. Hoover
DeepPIV and EyeRIS: Novel in situ imaging systems that enable time-resolved visualizations of particles and animals in the deep sea
K. Katija
J. Daniels
E. Orenstein
P. Roberts
J. Erickson
D. Klimov
A. Sherman
Interfacing in-Silico and in-Situ Experiments of Organismal Fluid Pumping
A. Hoover
K. Katija
J. Daniels
The Challenges of Simulating Jellyfish with Biologically Descriptive Oral Arms
M. Santiago
A. Hoover
A. Connolly
C. Ramirez
L. Miller
07/06/2023 09:00
IS03 - I -
Advances in analysis, algorithms, and software for the coupling of conventional and data-driven models for heterogeneous multi-scale, multi-physics simulations
Corresponding Organizer:
Pavel Bochev
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Chaired by:
Dr. Paul Kuberry
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Wed, 07/06/2023
09:00 - 11:00
Athina - Ariadne
IS03 - I -
Alternating Schwarz-based coupling of conventional and data-driven models
I. Tezaur
J. Barnett
A. Mota
ITHACA-FV a C++ library for model order reduction based on OpenFoam
G. Stabile
G. Rozza
Continuous modeling of a particle flow: CFD/AI coupling
Q. Darves-Blanc
O. Bonnefoy
S. Martin
Y. Gavet
G. Kauric
C. Macqueron
J. William
A. Ndiaye
Multirate Integration Schemes for Diffusive Problems with Interfacial Coupling
P. Bochev
J. Connors
P. Kuberry
J. Owen
A black-box coupling scheme for higher-order multirate time stepping with preCICE
B. Rodenberg
B. Uekermann
H. Bungartz
07/06/2023 10:00
IS28 -
Coupled Groundwater–Surface Water Modelling
Corresponding Organizer:
Corey Trahan
Chaired by:
Dr. Mario Putti
(University of Padua)
Wed, 07/06/2023
10:00 - 11:00
Athina - Athina II
IS28 -
Multiphysics modelling of salt tracer tests in karst aquifers under laboratory conditions
K. Zivkovic
M. Zelenika
H. Gotovac
Hydrologic Monolithic Model Coupling Advancements of the Army Corps of Engineers, ERDC
C. Jason
M. Loveland
M. Farthing
Geometrically intrinsic modeling of 2D diffusive wave overland flow for coupled surface-subsurface hydrological applications
E. Bachini
M. Camporese
A. Larese
M. Putti
07/06/2023 11:00
Coffee Break
Wed, 07/06/2023
11:00 - 11:30
Minoa Palace Resort Hotel
07/06/2023 11:30
Plenary Lecture IV - K. C. Park and A. De Simone
Chaired by:
Prof. Ramon Codina
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Wed, 07/06/2023
11:30 - 13:00
Imperial - Main
A New Paradigm for Multiphysics Simulation: Its Initial Application to Fluid-Structure Interaction
K. Park
J. González
Coupled problems in bio-inspired robotics
A. De Simone
07/06/2023 13:00
Lunch Break
Wed, 07/06/2023
13:00 - 14:00
Minoa Palace Resort Hotel
07/06/2023 14:00
IS31 - III -
Sharing Advances in Modelling Techniques for Fluid-Structure Interaction
Corresponding Organizer:
Vincent Faucher
Chaired by:
Prof. Vincent Faucher
Wed, 07/06/2023
14:00 - 16:00
Imperial - Main
IS31 - III -
FloatStepper – A new fluid-body coupling method in OpenFOAM
J. Roenby
H. Bredmose
A Fluid-Structure Interaction Solver based on lattice-Boltzmann and Immersed Boundary methods with Applications to the Aortic Valve.
T. Fringand
I. Cheylan
M. Lenoir
L. Mace
J. Favier
Benchmark of CFD/FEM coupled and chained approaches for the prediction of the axial flow-induced vibration on a cantilever rod
J. Galpin
C. Collignon
P. Blanc
M. Robin-Boudaoud
N. Goreaud
Euler-Lagrange code coupling for blast wave propagation studies.
Mechanically Consistent Modeling of Fluid-Structure-Contact Interaction without Collision Paradox
M. Champion
M. Fernandez
C. Grandmont
F. Vergnet
M. Vidrascu
Sound Insulation Optimization of a Roller Shutter Box
S. Bakhouche
W. Larbi
J. Deü
P. Macquart
07/06/2023 14:00
IS11 - IV -
Immersed Boundary Methods for Coupled Problems
Corresponding Organizer:
Ernst Rank
(Technical University of Munich)
Chaired by:
Dr. Maxim Olshanskii
(University of Houston)
Wed, 07/06/2023
14:00 - 16:00
Athina - Athina I
IS11 - IV -
Interpolation-Based Immersed Finite Element and Isogeometric Analysis With Application To Thermoelasticity
J. Evans
N. Wunsch
J. Fromm
K. Maute
D. Kamensky
Space-time unfitted finite element methods for PDEs with dynamic interfaces
S. Badia
H. Dilip
P. Martorell
F. Verdugo
Unfitted finite element methods for the Cahn-Hilliard equation
I. Hammer
A. Massing
Cut Finite Element Methods for the Computational Modeling of Geometrically Resolved Excitable Cells
N. Berre
A. Massing
M. Rognes
07/06/2023 14:00
IS19 - I -
Quasi-Newton techniques for partitioned simulation of coupled problems
Corresponding Organizer:
Joris Degroote
(Ghent University)
Chaired by:
Prof. Joris Degroote
(Ghent University)
Dr. Norbert Hosters
(RWTH Aachen University)
Wed, 07/06/2023
14:00 - 16:00
Imperial - Hall II
IS19 - I -
Recent Developments in Quasi-Newton Techniques for Partitioned Simulation of Coupled Problems
J. Degroote
M. Schulte
N. Hosters
Time adaptive Waveform-Relaxation methods for Fluid Structure Interaction
P. Birken
N. Kotarsky
Interface Quasi-Newton Methods in Context of Continuous Space-Time Finite Elements
N. Hosters
T. Spenke
Two-way coupling in mixed-dimensional fluid/beam interaction
M. Mayr
N. Hagmeyer
A. Popp
The effect of the number of subproblem iterations in partitioned fluid-structure interaction simulation
N. Delaissé
T. Spenke
N. Hosters
J. Degroote
An Implicitly Coupled Finite Element - Electronic Circuit Simulator Method for Efficient System Simulations of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters
A. Hegendörfer
J. Mergheim
07/06/2023 14:00
IS02 - II -
Advanced Mathematical Modeling, Methods and Algorithms for Sustainability
Corresponding Organizer:
Simona Perotto
(MOX, Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano)
Chaired by:
Prof. Simona Perotto
(MOX, Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano)
Wed, 07/06/2023
14:00 - 16:00
Imperial - Hall III
IS02 - II -
Oil Spill in Harbours: the Augusta Case
F. De Leo
L. Cavallaro
F. Roman
Thermal-comfort cloister shape optimisation by Reduced Basis modelling
T. Chacón Rebollo
C. Caravaca García
M. Gómez Mármol
Reduced Order Modelling and Visualization for the optimization of high temperature Concentrated Solar Power tower receivers
J. Valverde
J. Galán-Vioque
J. Herruzo
T. Chacón
C. Núñez
S. Rubino
A Coupling Methodology Implementing High-fidelity and Reduced-order Models for the Simulation of Bi-fluid Flows
B. Battisti
M. Bergmann
07/06/2023 14:00
IS22 - II -
Iterative Methods and Preconditioners for Challenging Multiphysics Systems
Corresponding Organizer:
Matthias Mayr
(Universität der Bundeswehr München)
Chaired by:
Mr. Max Firmbach
(University of the Bundeswehr Munich)
Wed, 07/06/2023
14:00 - 16:00
Imperial - Hall IV
IS22 - II -
Domain Decomposition Methods for the Stokes-Darcy Problem
M. Discacciati
L. Gerardo-Giorda
T. Vanzan
qMG: Quantum Multigrid Algorithm
O. Raisuddin
S. De
A fully conservative, asymptotic preserving multiscale solver for the Rosenbluth-Fokker-Planck equation
W. Taitano
S. Anderson
L. Chacon
07/06/2023 14:00
Coupled problems with geometric reduction methods
Corresponding Organizer:
Alessio Bazzanella
Chaired by:
Dr. Daniel Rabinovich
(Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
Wed, 07/06/2023
14:00 - 16:00
Athina - Athina II
Mixed-Dimensional Coupling using the DtN Method for Time-Dependent Acoustics
D. Givoli
D. Rabinovich
Multiphysics Numerical Investigations of Hot Components in a sCO2 Power Plant Turbine
G. Generini
I. Rafanelli
A. Andreini
M. Dozzini
A. Milani
M. Bigi
A. Ciani
Exploring a possibility of an application of the statistical methods to modelling thermomechanical processing of steels with heterogeneous microstructure
K. Bzowski
M. Pietrzyk
D. Szeliga
L. Rauch
07/06/2023 14:00
IS32 - II -
Flow-Structure Interaction in Bio-Inspired Locomotion/Transport Problems: Methods and Applications
Corresponding Organizer:
Marco D. de Tullio
(Politecnico di Bari)
Chaired by:
Prof. Marco D. de Tullio
(Politecnico di Bari)
Wed, 07/06/2023
14:00 - 16:00
Athina - Athina III
IS32 - II -
Bioinspired fluid-structure interaction problems using a multi-body structural model
C. Martinez-Muriel
G. Arranz
O. Flores
M. Garcia-Villalba
Aeroelastic Simulation and Data Driven Analysis of Bat-Inspired Membrane Wings
S. Kumar
J. Seo
R. Mittal
Development of an FSI environment for the aerodynamic performance assessment of flapping wings
R. Poletti
M. Barucca
L. Koloszar
M. Mendez
J. van Beeck
J. Degroote
A numerical approach for the characterization of the free fall of thin disks
A. Lolli
G. Corsi
A. De Simone
Simulation of a slender flexible structure in viscous flow by finite difference/isogeometric immersed boundary method
V. Agrawal
A. Kulachenko
O. Tammisola
L. Brandt
Neural network control of fully-differentiable fluid-rigid structure interaction problem
J. Yang
M. Zhang
A. Buchan
L. Yang
07/06/2023 14:00
IS03 - II -
Advances in analysis, algorithms, and software for the coupling of conventional and data-driven models for heterogeneous multi-scale, multi-physics simulations
Corresponding Organizer:
Paul Kuberry
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Chaired by:
Dr. Irina Tezaur
(Sandia National Laboratories)
Wed, 07/06/2023
14:00 - 16:00
Athina - Ariadne
IS03 - II -
Interface Flux Recovery Framework for Constructing Partitioned Heterogeneous Time-Integration Methods
K. Sockwell
P. Bochev
K. Peterson
P. Kuberry
Accelerating the FlowSimulator: Improvements in FSI Simulations for the HPC Exploitation at Industrial Level
M. Cristofaro
J. Fenske
I. Huismann
A. Rempke
L. Reimer
Computational Homogenization of Flows with Obstacles
M. Shakoor
C. Park
Unraveling Neural Networks with Structure-Preserving Computing
W. Schilders
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