Euler-Lagrange code coupling for blast wave propagation studies.

  • CHANTRAIT, Teddy (CEA)
  • DEL PINO, Stéphane (CEA)
  • JAOUEN, Stéphane (CEA)
  • LABOURASSE, Emnanuel (CEA)

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Studying the blast wave propagation in the air, including deformable structures like steel or reinforced concrete plates, vehicles, or buildings, remains a challenge, mainly if one investigates the solids’ responses to the blast loading. One has to consider different scales in both time and space. Also, due to the presence of various media - like steel, concrete, and air - many wave speeds might co-exist in the same simulation. It might lead to an insoluble problem when using a monolithic (explicit) solver due to the CFL condition. To overcome this difficulty, we set up and tested code coupling strategies on the benchmark used in [A. Puscas et al]. The problem consists of an explosion close to a shell formed by a steel cylinder in two space dimensions. The cylinder is initially surrounded by gas at atmospheric pressure. Armen , which solves the Euler equation in the fluid domain, is coupled to Europlexus or Pugs , which solve the solid side system. The boundary treatment to impose velocity in the fluid side solver is based on the development proposed in [G. Dakin et al], which relies on immersed boundary methods. The pressure is set on the structure boundary using a classical boundary condition. We compare our coupled results to a numerical reference obtained with a monolithic solver using Armen. Extensions of the proposed method for the simulation of reinforced concrete subjected to an explosion are also discussed.